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Teachers Need Us

The Alarm has gone off.
Francis Howell has been a Destination District for teachers for a long time.  In just ONE YEAR, the new board majority has caused teachers to retire early and leave for other districts.

Members of the new board majority, the Political Action Committee who endorse them (Francis Howell Families), and their two candidates this year: 
+  Falsely accuse teachers for "sexualizing" children.
+  Warn teacher to not be "greedy" for wanting the pay they have earned.
+  Do not stand up for teachers when extreme radio hosts call public school systems "trash" and the NEA "pure, unadulterated evil."
+ Falsely accuse schools of talking about sexual orientation with elementary schools.
+ Blast a teacher on social media by name  for writing curriculum she was told to write.
+ Ignore needs for proper staffing.  One school has two night custodians covering the job of four people with no help in sight.
+ Reject teacher requests for attending a conference for professional development because the conference also teaches a workshop for college professors the Board does not like.
+ Villify the teacher's union, FHEA, and thereby the hundreds of our teachers it includes.
+ Bypass teacher expertise in curriculum create and claim they have experience they do not have.

It's no wonder teachers are leaving.
We need a chang
e of direction, immediately!



This is why Steven Blair is endorsed by: 
Francis Howell Teachers 
Francis Howell Staff
Four Former Francis Howell District Superintendents:
Mary Hendricks-Harris
Dan O' Donnell
Renee Schuster
Pam Sloan


Early Voting Now Open

St. Charles County Election Authority,
397 Turner Blvd.
St. Peters, Missouri
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm

Where to Vote on 
Election Day

On Tuesday April 2nd, 2024

HERE to find out where
your voting location, or polling
place, is located.

Thanks for reaching out!

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